About Me

Hi, my name is Jess. I am in my mid- late twenties, and am trying to find my way in life much like the rest of the world. I currently live in Pittsburgh, PA and have called Pennsylvania my home my entire life. I went to school in West Chester, and moved back to Pittsburgh 2 years ago amid a nervous breakdown seemingly caused by the anti-anxiety medication I had been on. It has been a rollercoaster and journey ever since. 

After moving back in with my parents at 24, I realized I have been running from most of my problems my entire life. I never took the time to look at them deeply, to understand where they were, and still are, coming from. Moving back in with my parents seemed to be the perfect opportunity to figure out the rest of my life, and I wanted to use it as a stepping stone to just get right back on the path I had previously been on. 

Then my aunt got really sick, and I helped to take care of her before she passed away. The day after her funeral, I took my dad to the emergency room where he ended up spending five months in the intensive care unit before he died. A few weeks after that, my best friend’s mom died. Then my aunt’s father died. Within an 8 month time period I lost 4 people. While loss is a part of life, this threw me further off my path than I have ever been. 5 months after the loss of my dad I had another nervous breakdown, resulting in me completely reevaluating every decision I had ever made. 

Over the last few years my life has been dominated by simply doing what is in front of me, of not thinking outside the box and only getting done only what  needs to get done without thoughts of the future or what I want out of it. But I want to reclaim the part of myself that thrives on creativity, on writing and getting lost in a story. I want more for my life now, and I no longer want to be too afraid to put myself out there in fear of being seen. 

So now I am here. Creating a space to express myself and to inspire those who are on a similar path.I am refusing to let the challenges I’ve faced from anxiety to grief be the determining factor of my life. I want to share the wisdom and knowledge that has been shown to me, to create change and lasting habits, and to accept that the life of my dreams is within reach- and so is yours. 

For questions, thoughts, insights, and anything else I can be reached at

[email protected]

All the love, 
